Saturday, December 31, 2011

Final post of the year! (on this blog)

Happy New Year!

Funny how quickly time passes by. At the beginning of 2011 the only thought I had was that I should work hard to achieve the goals that I had set for myself. But as the year went on my ideas about certain things in life started to change. I know that this year I updated even less frequently than last and well I must apologize for that.

The reason why I started to write fanfics was because I was so tired of waiting around for updates. Little I know that I would become one of those writers that would also take forever to update lol But in all honesty though, I'm very grateful for those of you who have stuck with me until today. Actually I'm quite honored to have been able to entertain you even if just for a few moments of your life with my updates. 

I learned that I should really stop making promises cause I obviously have problems keeping them. However, I will try to update at least 3-4 times a month and since I did not write a special for this holiday season I will write one during valentine's day. On top of that... If the world does not end in 2012 I have quite the comedic premise for a holiday special in december of 2012. I hope by then you'll still be around because all of your comments and support mean the world to me, especially when I'm not feeling well...emotionally. Thank you all!

I wish everyone an amazing new year filled with happiness, good health, plenty of fun and laughter.

See you all in 2012!


1 comment:

lorraine said...

Can't wait to read more fanfics in the new year!

Best wishes to you in 2012!