Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I'm BACK!!!

WOW! Can you imagine that I survived my first year of university by watching a lot of TVB, korean and japanese dramas? That's sadly what I did...which was a bad idea. I should've spent the time reading my text, solving homework problems and reading a lot of other stuff...but instead I sat at my desk and stared into my laptop. That explains my total train-wreck of an average. It's not BAD...it's just not good at all...it's so 'not good' that I didn't even make the Dean's list...there goes my scholarship...*tear*

Anyways...let's get back on track.

So...I initially thought that I would be updating my fanfics today...but...after seeing my EXTREMELY depressing physics mark...it totally destroyed my mood and inspiration to write...which is why I'm sorta blogging to let off some steam. So...what does this mean you might ask? Well...let me show you the line-up...for this week

1. Update Take 2 (yes...the fanfic that is NEVER updated...will be updated)
2. Post up a little something about first year...in my personal blog
3. Post up a review on Gem of Life...
4. Update A Truthful Lie
5. To be announced...

Well...that's this week's line up of events...so...be sure to come back to my blog...or visit my fanfics...and check those out...(they'll be coming up...one at a time...from tomorrow until Sunday) and then...we'll see what I will come up with next.

Below is a video that I posted up on Youtube...under a different account and it is a piece that I wrote...to me it still sounds a bit unfinished...but I did improvise the ending of it...so ya. Check it out, I hope you enjoy and...forgive me for screwing up my own piece of music at the beginning.