Ron: Oh...and I thought someone like yourself would understand it better than a business man like me
Leila: Though I’m not sure what love is...I don’t think it’s a simple business transaction like you might imagine it to be...
Ron looked at her and wondered how she knew...was he that easy to read? Her eyes made her seem troubled, almost as troubled as he was and for some reason he wanted them both to forget their troubles...at least for one night.
Ron: I know it’s getting late and all...but, would you like to head out to the docks with me, we can get some nice fresh air and...
Leila: Talk some more...
Ron: Yes, just that...just like before...the two of us, staring out into the water and gazing up at the stars...but I guess since we’re in the city, stars are much harder to come by
Leila: I don’t mind about the stars...just as long as you’re there keeping me company
Her words seemed to have slipped from her mind and she was shocked to hear herself say such a thing. Tomorrow, she would be a married woman, yet in a way she was flaunting herself at him...but how could she resist? He was there, just like he was there five years ago. That same smile, that same troubled look in his eyes...so filled with worry, yet was still hopeful...
Ron looked at her and smiled: Then let’s go...did you drive here?
Leila: Ya...I think I should drive there as well...so I’ll follow your car then...assuming you drove here too
Ron: Yup...
The two of them left the little cafe and drove off into the night heading towards the dock. It was a quite night, considering it was Christmas Eve, there weren’t any ships coming in or leaving for that matter...and the two of them took a seat on a bench close to the edge of the dock.
Leila: its Christmas tomorrow...
Ron: I know...though, I’m not exactly looking forward to it
Leila: Neither am I...
Ron turned to look at her: And why’s that?
Leila: I agreed to do something I’m not entirely sure I should do, at least not in this day and age...and you?
Ron: Something along those lines...
Leila: Just out of curiosity...
Ron: Go on...
Leila: What do you think of me?
Ron laughed: Why would you ask that?
Leila: I’m just curious
Ron: Alright, to be perfectly honest, I think you’re different compared to all the other women I’ve met, but it’s what makes you absolutely amazing.
Leila’s face went a tad bit pink hearing him say that
Ron: I really do think you’re...amazing...
He couldn’t believe he was telling her such a thing, he felt horrible for leading her on...but he just couldn’t help it. He was only being honest not only to her, but to himself as well.
Leila simply looked at him and smiled. She felt her heart racing and simply wanted to be in his arms.
Leila: I think it’s getting a bit chilly
Ron: here, take my jacket
He was going to offer it to her but realized there was a better solution as he placed his arm around her and drew her in closer to his body. This was what she had hoped for, and exactly what she had received...
They continued to talk till the both of them were awfully tired and eventually nodded off without realizing. By the time they both woke up again the sun had already risen...and they knew that there was someplace else they were meant to be at.
Leila slowly opened her eyes to the rising sun and realized that her head was still on Ron’s shoulder...even though today was her wedding day, she secretly wished that time had froze. If only five years ago she had enough courage to ask for his number, instead of just giving hers to him. But, it was a bit too late now...she was supposed to head to the studio to get her wedding photos taken. And, it was also Christmas day.
Ron slowly opened his eyes and looked down at Leila who was apparently staring at him. He gave her a tired smile before realizing that today was Christmas day, and also, his wedding day. The smile on his face slowly faded as his realization became more apparent, but nonetheless he was happy that she was by his side at the moment.
Ron: Merry Christmas, Angel
Leila: Merry Christmas, Isaac
Ron: Angel...there’s somewhere I need to be, but...I really wish I could be here with you instead...and spend the rest of today with you...but I can’t
Leila: I know...my situation is exactly like yours...it’s too bad that we can’t spend more time together...
Ron looked at her and slowly his lips found hers, and they kissed for the last time as simply Angel and Isaac, two strangers who met five years ago and saw each other again on Christmas Eve.
Leila slowly pulled herself away from him before giving him one last embrace
Leila: I have to get going...I don’t know when we’ll see each other again...but...we’ll always have Christmas Eve
Ron smiled and nodded as he too got up and walked towards his car. This was their ending, simple yet filled with so much more. They each wanted to stay, to be with the other...but they both knew that had a place to be, a role to fulfill...but they both secretly wished that they would meet again, talk again...and share yet another memorable kiss.
Photo studio
Tavia ran to the door in her maid of honor dress as Leila arrived
Tavia: Where have you been? We were all getting worried that you really did run away
Leila: Did the groom arrive yet?
Tavia: Not yet...but I overheard his best man talking on the phone about him running off with some Hotel employee last night at his own bachelor party
Leila: Oh...
Tavia: But you should get changed anyways...then if he really doesn’t show up, you’ll definitely be the victim
The two of them made their way to the back of the studio to where the fitting rooms were and where Tavia had placed Leila’s wedding dress.
Moments later Ron came through the door and was anxiously greeted by Raymond
Raymond: You little devil
Ron: What did I do?
Raymond: I found you two very hot chicks and you ran off with Fala?
Ron: What? No! I went out for some air...
Raymond: Oh...well go on and get changed, your bride just arrived like five minutes ago
Ron did as his friend suggested, and when he came out of the change room...he couldn’t believe who he saw standing across from him, also coming out of a change room
Ron: Angel?
Tavia snickered: Uh...even though she does look heavenly in that wedding dress...she’s Leila...you know, your fiancĂ©e
Ron: What?
Leila: Isaac...what are you doing here?
Raymond: Whoa...that’s Ron...YOUR fiancĂ©
Ron smiled looking at his bride, and Leila smiled back. This was indeed a Christmas miracle...their only wish had actually come true...
Short and simple. Bam! did it! YAY!!!
Happy New Year!!! 2011...best wishes to all and of course I know that 2011 will be > 2010 lol
Comment away!