Friday, December 21, 2012

Yours Truly, Stranger

Before I get into this fanfic, I would like to say that I suck. I have great difficulty committing to things, whatever they may be, and thus, I have many random, long and uncalled-for hiatuses. A friend once told me that I probably have commitment issues and that conversation we had still lingers in my mind at times, because it probably is true. However, once I do commit to something I will stick to it until the end even if the world says that it is, no matter what I will write this fanfic, and I will finish this fanfic.

I would like to dedicate this first chapter to Lorraine who has been a reader of my fanfics for quite a while now and commented on my previous post as well. My greatest gratitude goes to you.

Ch 1: Live, Love, Laugh             

This was it, their very last trip together as a bunch of immature and clueless high school students, ready to embark on a journey of a lifetime. This was probably the last time all of them will be together, doing stupid things, laughing at nonsense and having the time of their lives.

He sat there watching his friends collecting wood and trying to start a little fire in the middle of the beach. He should really get down there and tell them that they’re doing it too close to the water and that when the bigger tides come in, their fire would be gone in a flash, but why ruin the moment. So, he continued to write. He knew what he was doing was illogical and probably considered to be extremely silly, but it was something he promised his mom he would do. Suddenly, he noticed something fly right pass him and turned around to see who it was

Girl: Come on Ron, what are you doing now?

Ron: Writing a letter

Girl: To whom? (she gasped) Are you cheating on Nancy with someone else?

Ron: What? No. Don’t be silly, you and your wild imagination! I’m writing a letter to somebody...

Girl: I would hope so...considering you can’t really write a letter to something

Ron: Haha, real funny Leila

Leila: Ya I know, anyways come on...Raymond said he found something awesome

Ron: Tell him I’m not licking a frog or a toad or eating raw mushrooms

Leila: What?

Ron: Camping trip

Leila: are you coming?

Ron: Ya, when I’m done

Leila: Fine

Ron: Oh, Leila...your aim is terrible

Leila: Shut up (she grabbed a water bottle and threw it at him, but missed)

Ron laughed: Exactly my point

Leila: Whatever

Leila left the room, leaving Ron sitting there continuing his writing. Finally, he reached the end of the page, and signed it off – Yours Truly, Stranger

He rolled up the letter, plopped it into an empty glass bottle, stuffed a cork in it and took it with him as he left the house and headed towards the beach. Instead of heading towards his friends, he went in the opposite direction, to an area with much less people and looked out at the vast ocean. He took a deep breath of the salty air, and finally, he threw the bottle hoping that someday, someone, somewhere will find it, and respond to him. Instead of putting down an address, he wrote down an email address just for this, for this experiment with fate that his mom told him about when he was just five. He smiled at the thought of his mother and then slightly frowned knowing that she no longer was around.

When he turned around about to head back he saw her, just standing there watching him. He smiled at her presence and walked towards her.

Ron: So, how long were you standing here?

Nancy: Just long enough to see you throw something into the water

Ron: Are you curious what it is?

Nancy: Nope...

Ron: Not even one bit?

Nancy: Well...maybe a tiny bit

Ron chuckled: I’ll tell you another time

He took her hand and the two of them walked back to where everyone was

Raymond: Sneaky, sneaky...what were you two up to?

Ron: We just took a walk

Raymond: Of course you did...

Bosco: You’re making them blush man, Ron does not look good with rosy cheeks

Leila laughed: I concur with that

They all laughed and turned their attention to Raymond who was holding what seemed to be a lit branch.

Ron: Dude, what are you up to now?

Raymond: I always wanted to be a torch bearer

Ron: Yes, because you obviously excel at sports and all that jazz

Bosco: Hey, remember when he tried to play basketball

Ron: He shot into his own hoop

Everyone started laughing

Raymond: Well, Michael Jordan did that what

Nancy: Stop picking on Raymond, or else when his girlfriend comes with the food we’ll all be poisoned

Raymond: Exactly! maybe I should tell Tavia to put a little something extra in the food after all

Leila: She would never try to poison her own sister (she stuck her tongue out)

Raymond: I still don’t understand how the two of you can be sisters, you’re nothing alike

While everyone else continued their banter and teasing, Ron took Nancy’s hand and the two continued on their walk...

Ron: So, remind me...when are you leaving

Nancy: The day after graduation

Ron: So soon?

Nancy: Everything’s set...

Ron: When will you be back?

Nancy: I don’t know...

Ron: Oh...

Nancy: Ron, I’ve been thinking...maybe we shouldn’t do the long distance thing

Ron: Why not?

Nancy: Because you’re a great guy

Ron: And what’s that supposed to mean?

Nancy: I don’t want to hold you back...there’s going to be a lot of amazing girls in college and...

Ron smiled: I doubt they’ll be as amazing as you (He wrapped his arms around her)

Nancy: With your charm and sweet tongue, what girl can resist not falling for you...and besides, if we’re meant to be...then we could always get back together...

Ron: Is this your way of breaking up with me?

Nancy looked up at him: If I had a choice, I wouldn’t want to leave you at all

Ron smiled: I love you

Nancy smiled: I bet I love you more


I didn't think I'd post this so late...but anyways, I'll post the second chapter soon...So please leave me a comment or comments and in fact I do plan on posting the ending for Take 2 sometime today as well...

If we survive the Mayan Apocalypse, then I've decided to make The End is Near my holiday you'll see more frequent updates!

In the meantime, stay safe and happy holidays!



Nina said...

yay the world is not end yet lol
thank you for you update
have a great holidays

lorraine said...

Wow thank you for the shout out!! =D I have been busy as well, so I just checked your December 21st post! Gonna be reading your several updates in the next little while, hopefully sooner than later, and will drop by and comment on them again!

It's definitely hard to commit to certain things especially with so many things on the agenda at times. But I'd like to say the way you've still managed to find time and write is amazing. At least I know I don't have that talent in me. So i just enjoy reading :)

Anyhow, best wishes to you in the new year! You know I'll continue to be a fan/reader :)