Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Truthful Lie: Finale

Thank you for all of your comments...I do hope you enjoy this...


He watched as she slowly descended the stairs and her eyes finally meeting his. A faint smile was seen appearing on her face, but the quizzical look in her eyes still remained.

Ron: You look amazing

Myolie: You don’t look so bad yourself

Ron chuckled: Thank you

Myolie: So, where’s your date?

Ron: She’s standing right in front of me, is she not?

Myolie: I thought you were coming here with Tavia

Ron: Something came up...

Myolie: What is it?

Ron: She broke up with me...

Myolie: Oh...but I can’t be your date for the evening, I’ve already agreed to be someone else’s date...

Ron: You could easily stand him up (He pouted) since your best friend is heartbroken, don’t you think you need to spend all this time cheering him up (he pointed to himself)

Myolie: There are plenty of other women around who could easily cheer you up

Ron looked at her: but they’re not you

Myolie looked at him: Fine...(she took his hand and the two of them took to the dance floor)

Myolie: What happened?

Ron: What?

Myolie: She didn’t break up with broke up with her...

Ron: How did you know?

Myolie: Vanilla ice cream Ron, you’re always like that...

Ron: Not really...Tavia isn’t vanilla ice cream, I didn’t want her so badly because I couldn’t have her before...but it’s about we go somewhere else to talk

Myolie: Sure...

The two of them left the dance floor and made their way to the courtyard, sitting on a small bench under the stars.

Ron: You know, when I made the decision to break up with Tavia, I really wanted to talk to you about it before I went to was weird, it was like I needed you to reassure me that the decision I was making was actually right, or something. But I remembered you said you wanted a break from seemed a bit

Myolie: You know, I could never really be upset with you...

Ron smiled: Anyways, I realized that the love I had for Tavia faded as time went on, but I was still holding onto that illusion that I was still very much deeply in love with her. Even when we met, her resentment towards me, seemed to strengthen this illusion, but once I was winning her back...spending time with her...being there for her...I realized, this affection I have towards her, isn’t the same as the one I had for her so many years ago. I still love her, but not in the same way. She’ll always be that very special woman in my heart, but not the type that moves me...and she realized that she felt the same way about me. We were both hooked onto the illusion that we could’ve been so magical together...but it was all an illusion...and so we broke it off...a mutual ending to a relationship that should’ve ended when it did before.

Myolie placed her hand on Ron’s shoulder: So, I guess you have matured...

Ron smiled and looked at her: I guess so...

Myolie: So, now what?

Ron: I’m not sure...I guess I’m once again that absolutely irresistible bachelor that women of all ages will swoon for

Myolie laughed: Oh, your ego makes me laugh...seriously Ron

Ron: Well, I’ll still be around, considering I promised my brother that I’ll stay for another year, but after that...I’m thinking about

Myolie: I’m sticking around for a while too...

Ron smiled: Then I’ll keep you company

Myolie: I’d like that...

Ron: Are you sure? Aren’t you afraid I might chase away all of your possible pursuers?

Myolie laughed: I’ll take the risk...I like having my best friend by my side

Ron: Me too...

Myolie: Wait...what about Leila?
Ron: She’s going away...

Myolie: What?

Ron: I really think she’s great, and would make a great lawyer, so I gave my friend in the States a call, recommending her...

Myolie: Ron Ng...

Ron: Then she asked me whether or not she should go for it...and I told her of course, it’s a great opportunity...and I sort of asked her about how she felt about me...and after all of that, we said our goodbyes and that’s it...

Myolie: When is she leaving?

Ron: Tomorrow...

Myolie: You could ask stay... (She looked at him, almost as though hoping he’d say no)

Ron shook her head: I can’t do that...

Myolie: Why not?

Ron: I don’t feel that way about her, at least not now...she’s a great friend, she opened up my eyes to a world that I never knew, a world where a family was possible, a world of this amazing feeling of warmth...but...I’m not her cup of tea...and she’ll realize it over why waste her time...and plus, if we were meant to be...she’d come back...

Myolie: Why not give it a chance?

Ron took Myolie’s hand: Do you really want me to?

Both his action and his question came without notice making her slightly frazzled...

Myolie cleared her throat: Why wouldn’t I?

Ron tried to meet her eyes as she continued to look away...

Ron:’re in love with me too...

Myolie faked a laugh: Stop flattering yourself

Ron: I might not have figured out the feelings Leila had towards me...but with you, I could, and I did after everything that happened. The nights we spend together, just talking, just pouring our hearts out to each other, all the little things we’ve done, and then that argument...Myolie...

Myolie: Ron, we’ve known each other for so long, scientifically speaking...

Ron: Don’t you go talking science to me Myolie Wu. When I was talking to Leila for the last time...and she asked me whether or not I had any feelings for her, my reply was automatically ‘I don’t know.’ When I asked myself whether I had feelings for Tavia, my reply to myself was ‘I do...but it’s not the same.’ And when I asked myself how I felt about you...I didn’t even have an answer...all that filled my mind at that moment was you, and I realized I was smiling just thinking about you...

Myolie:’re just confused...and how do you know that I have feelings for you?

Ron: So you admit it?

Myolie: Just answer me first

Ron:’re always there, and you always knew what I wanted...but I wasn’t reciprocating any of that for you...yet, you still wanted to spend time with me, you still agreed to meet me in the middle of the’re probably the greatest friend in the world. But, then it made me wonder, why would you always do those things for someone who is just a friend...even if I’m your best didn’t add up. So, the only illogical, logical explanation was that you fell in love with me...and you’re in love with me...

Myolie: So, what if I am...

Ron smiled: I love you too

What happens next is for you to imagine...I think this must have been an extremely unexpected felt right to me. From the very beginning I intended to have an RL ending...but as I continued to write this fanfic, I won't work out...just because it wouldn't make sense...and then the more I wrote about the interaction between Ron and Myolie...I realized I was setting them up for something...and well...there it is...

I hope all the RL fans aren't too disappointed...but I'd like to know what you think of my update. So please comment...and as an incentive...if I get 5 or more comments again...I will finally post the foreword to the newest RL fanfic...

I think the idea behind it might intrigue you comment and await the 'birth' of something new and refreshing lol

Anywho...enjoy your weekend/long weekend and I'll be back shortly if I see that I've received my comments or something lol. Reposts of other fanfics will be found on my other blog, but I don't think I'll be posting anything this weekend on there, so check back next week Tuesday night.


PS. Thanks for reading and please comment!!!


Anonymous said...

i wasnt that disappointed at least the 2nd last chap was ronlei xD but rlly hope take 2 will end as a ronlei fanfic! :D and excited about new fanfic on ronlei :DDD

Anonymous said...

I'm not too surprised with the ending..but still I was hoping for a RL ending. Thanks for the update and I can't wait for the new RL fanfic :D

Nina said...

Thank you for your update, I'm kind of disappointed it not a RL ending :(.
But can't wait to read the next RonLei fanfic.
Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

i am disappointed it wasn't RL, but oh well. Roll on new RL story

toby said...

I guess I'm the only one here rooting for a Ronolie ending. You really made my day Randomness! Thank you so much! I was so pleasently surprised with the ending and I love it! Though it's a tad shot but I'll take what I can get. I'm glad Ron finally realised that he loved Myolie all along. I know your next story will be a RL one, would there be a chance for a Ronolie story in the distant future? Thanks again for writing! Take care!

lorraine said...

FINALE?! lol jk, i'm happy it was finale because it means there will be a new fanfic soon (i hope?) but of course sad because i've been following this story for so long and it'll always be a special one!!

back to the update...ahh i dunno what to say...i'm surprised you ended it like that BUT surprisingly i like it! (since i'm a huge RL fan) hmm..i don't even know how to put it! now that i think about it, i agree with what u said at the end too, it wouldn't make as much sense ending it with RL because that would kind of just be putting them together just for the sake of it. i actually really like the ending!! Made me smile because i actually really liked how Ron and Myolie's relationship has been growing through the story.

Anywho!! kind of feeling bittersweet cus that was the end to Truthful Lie. but like i said, looking forward to your new updates!! thanks again!