Friday, October 14, 2011

NEW FANFIC: Someone Like You: Foreword

Ah...finally...a new's been a while since I started a new one. I realized I still have a couple of unfinished I'll put up a quick poll to see which one I should continue and which one I should just put on an endless hiatus. Anyways...without any further delay...I give to you my newest fanfic:


Mary: Ron...don’t you think it’s time you got yourself a job?

Ron: Mom...I’m a multimillionaire, why should I get a job...I could live the rest of my life doing nothing

Mary: Uh huh...except for loafing around in my house

Ron smiled: I love you?

Mary: oh please...if you love me, you would’ve given me a grandchild by now

Ron: Me? Why aren’t you complaining to Krystal (Tin)...she’s older...?

Mary: Your sister’s been busy, running her business...why won’t you give her a hand?

Ron: I did...I created her website and even put in a small investment...isn’t that enough help?

Mary: It’s my fault for spoiling you all these years...

Ron: Fine...if she needs help, I’ll offer

Mary: Great...we’ll tell your sister when she gets back. It’s almost that time of year again...when she hires a new you could join them

Ron: Really mom? You want me to become a matchmaker?

Mary: Nope...I just want you to get off my couch...get a job, or a hobby, find yourself a nice girl and settle down

At that moment the door opened

Krystal: I’m home

Mary: Krystal, good news, I finally convinced your brother to work you

Krystal: Oh...why?

Mary: So I could get him out of this house...he’s been doing nothing but eat and sleep ever since he decided to step down from being CEO

Krystal: Really Ron, you’re going to do this?

Ron: I guess so...set me up for an interview

Krystal: Fine...

Ron smiled: Great...when’s the interview?

Krystal: They’re starting tomorrow. Just pop in, and someone will interview you

~ Next day~

He took the elevator along with a dozen others up to the 8th floor...surprisingly; they were all there for the interview. Who would’ve thought that a match making company would command such interest from people?

He sat in the waiting room along with all the other candidates and watched as one by one they entered the conference room...finally there were only two people left, himself and another girl. She looked awfully confident and the way she was looking at him did not in any way give him a good vibe about her.

Ron: New graduate?... No? Lost your job in the recession?

After a while she finally turned to look at him

Girl: Are you talking to me?

Ron: Do you see anyone else around?

Girl: could easily be talking to yourself

Ron: Fair enough...I’m Ron Ng, and you?

Girl: Leila Tong...

Ron: Nice to meet you

Leila: I hope I can say the same about you

At that moment someone from the conference room stepped out and called her in leaving him there sitting by himself.

Moments later she came out with a huge smile on her face and left the office, leaving Ron to be the final interviewee of the day. He walked into the conference room, took a seat and started spinning around in the chair.

Ron: Hi Florence

Florence: Your sister told me you’d be here...but I just couldn’t believe that you would be here

Ron: Well...I’m here

Florence: I really don’t think there’s a reason for interviewing you

The other interviewer sitting there was quite puzzled by the conversation Florence and Ron was having. She cleared her throat.

Florence: Right, I forgot to introduce the two of you...Nancy, this is Ron Ng...Krystal’s younger brother

Ron: Hi

Nancy: Hi...

Ron smiled: So...did I get the job?

Florence laughed: You’re the co-owner...what do you think?

Ron: Great! Then I’d like to hire myself

Nancy laughed and asked Florence: Is he usually like this?

Ron smiled: Nope...I’m always like this...hopefully I won’t be getting on anyone’s nerves while I’m here. Another thing, if you two could keep the whole co-owner thing under wraps that would be great.

Florence: Sure...on one condition

Ron: Ok...what is it?

Florence: You have to follow the company rules like any other employee that we hire...

Ron: Of course

Florence: Then first...bring this home, fill it out and bring it back next Monday, when you start training

Ron: Training? Why do I need training?

Florence: Oh trust need training

Ron: Fine....

He got up from the chair and was about to leave, when he turned back

Ron: Hey Florence, did that girl who was here before me get hired?

Florence: Yup, why? Interested?

Ron laughed: Not a chance...I’m more interested in Nancy (he winked and left the conference room) 

So...hopefully you have a vague idea of Ron and Leila's characters...and I'm excited for the first'll be quite entertaining.

Please comment...3 or more, and I'll post up the first chapter



Nina said...

Yeahhh new RL Fanfic.
Ron's character is soooo different also lazy =)) but still rich lol. And Leila is ambitious. They will work together, it will be funny
Can't wait to read the first chapter

Anonymous said...

This fanfic is cute and funny so far. Thanks for posting it and have a great day! :)

Anonymous said...

rich boy meets poor girl story? either way lets hope it's RL to the end

lorraine said...

Yay new fanfic!! Love the cast RON LEILA and NANCY :D !!

Looking forward to see what you've got planned this time!

haha loving the Ron's playfulness personality already...can't wait to see how it'll work out with both leila and nancy.

update soon :)