Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Series of Unexpected Events: Foreword


This new fanfic will definitely not take more than a year to complete...that I can guarantee. A short fanfic that will indeed be something to think about is what I’m trying to aim for. Please don’t worry about me not being able to finish my other fanfics for they will also be nearing completion by the end of this summer.

They say in life, it’s always the little things that count. It’s not always about what you give but rather how you give it...and sometimes the way you do certain things convey a totally different meaning, different from the one you originally intended to give with. Yes, it’s the little things that count, and it’s the little things that lead to a world of unexpected consequences – good or bad.

Sometimes a good intention leads to something more than one would expect or rather something unexpected. Each word, each phrase used can be taken in and understood differently than what was said. In fact everything is open to interpretation...and we all know interpretation is a dangerous thing.

This fanfic will follow the lives of our many main characters, understanding them, people around them and how these characters view the world as well as themselves. If you’ve ever watched movies like Valentine’s Day or would understand how this fanfic will work. My plan is to have every chapter narrated by a different character (or have a monologue) and in that way you will then be able to see things from their eyes and of course feel a deeper connection to the character.

I do hope that EVERYONE will enjoy this rather ‘interesting’ and ‘different’ fanfic. One important thing to note is that this fanfic will only be posted up on my blog and nowhere else. The video below consists of a series of pictures that will allow everyone to see the cast of this fanfic and the music in the background is written by me specifically for it.

Remember to leave me a few comments either on the cbox or HERE!!!! Actually if you leave a comment'll find out when the next update will be ^_^



Nina said...

hi, thanks update the foreword, I hope it will be interesting fanfic just like you said :)
update the first chapter soon

randomness said...

the first chapter will be posted on July 15th!!!