Saturday, June 19, 2010

New Fanfic: A Series of Unexpected Events

WHAT??? That's what you're probably saying at the moment just by looking at the title of the post. And then you're probably thinking " You're kidding right? You still have THREE unfinished fanfics and you want to start another one? Don't you think you're in WAY OVER your HEAD?" And my reply to that is...maybe...but by the end of summer Take 2 and A Truthful Lie will both be thought I'd start a new

So...I'm starting this new one because I'll be away from June 21st to July 23rd and I've decided that because during that time I won't be able to update my other fanfics, I'll post this new one as a replacement during those weeks that I'm gone.

As you can tell...this is the exact same thing (or similar thing) as my banner...surprised? Obviously not! I also made an trailer for this fanfic, so please check that out...I'm going to post the foreword of the fanfic up on July keep an eye out and it will most definitely be on this do visit me here!

The following is the trailer...stay tuned for more updates on this very exciting fanfic...which will ONLY be posted here and NOWHERE else!!!!


Nina said...

Hi, so the other two fanfics will end soon. I'm curious how you end those fics
This fanfic with the same cast as Tired of being sorry. I hope Leila have an interesting character just like in Tired of being sorry, hihi. You know me, I just love RL

randomness said...

To Nina: I actually didn't realize that it really has the same cast as Tired of Being Sorry...but then again most of my fanfics do have the same people anyways lol. This fanfic will actually focus more on BOTH Ron AND Raymond. I can tell you one thing...this fanfic will have a totally different premise...just wait and see ^_^

Nina said...

Wow I can't wait to read it :)